Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology 2019

The new Ross & Wilson Pocket Reference Guide to Anatomy and Physiology is a quick reference and revision guide designed specifically for the needs of nursing and allied health students, as well as those of paramedical science, operating department practice, and complementary therapy. The volume provides over 250 topics, each one presenting a key anatomical structure together with notes covering its anatomy, physiology and clinical relevance. Designed for portability, this helpful pocket guide is intended to facilitate and reinforce learning and comes with a helpful online self-assessment program containing a range of MCQs and anatomical labelling exercises.

Key Features
Summarizes essential facts from the world’s favourite human biology textbook!
Presents over 250 key anatomical structures together with ‘quick reference’ revision notes regarding their structure, function and clinical relevance
Straightforward language and user-friendly approach provides a useful, up-to-date aide-memoire in a helpful, easy-to-carry format
Helpful website provides a range of self-assessment exercises on anatomy and physiology to help consolidate learning

Table of contents : 
Front Cover......Page 1
Half title page......Page 2
Copyright Page......Page 3
Foreword......Page 4
Fig 1 The relationship between the pulmonary and systemic circulations......Page 5
Fig 2 The inner aspect of a vein......Page 7
Fig 3 The location of the heart in the thorax......Page 9
Fig 4 Organs in relation to the heart......Page 11
Fig 5 Layers of the wall of the heart......Page 13
Fig 6 Inner aspect of the heart......Page 15
Fig 7 The left mitral valve......Page 17
Fig 8 Direction of blood flow inside the heart......Page 19
Fig 9 Section of the aorta opened to show the semilunar cusps of the aortic valve......Page 21
Fig 10 The flow of blood inside the heart and the systemic and pulmonary circulations......Page 23
Fig 11 The coronary arteries......Page 25
Fig 12 The conducting system of the heart......Page 27
Fig 13 The skeletal muscle pump......Page 29
Fig 14 The main sites for taking the pulse......Page 31
Fig 15 The aorta and the main arteries of the limbs......Page 33
Fig 16 The venae cavae and the main veins of the limbs......Page 35
Fig 17 The aorta and its main branches......Page 37
Fig 18 The venae cavae and their main tributaries......Page 39
Fig 19 The main arteries of the left side of the head and neck......Page 41
Fig 20 The arteries forming the cerebral arterial circle (the circle of Willis) and its main branches to the brain (seen from below)......Page 43
Fig 21 The right vertebral artery......Page 45
Fig 22 The veins of the left side of the head and neck......Page 47
Fig 23 The main arteries of the right arm......Page 49
Fig 24 The main veins of the right arm......Page 51
Fig 25 The coeliac artery with its branches......Page 53
Fig 26 The superior and inferior mesenteric arteries and their branches......Page 55
Fig 27 The venous drainage of the abdominal organs and the formation of the portal vein......Page 57
Fig 28 The portal vein: its origin and termination......Page 59
Fig 29 The femoral artery and its main branches......Page 61
Fig 30 The popliteal artery and its main branches......Page 63
Fig 31 The superficial veins of the lower limb......Page 65
Fig 32 The relationship of the placenta to the uterine wall......Page 67
Comments......Page 69