Pocket Atlas of Endodontics

Endodontology has seen enormous advances in recent years. New high-tech tools, such as operative microscopes in combination with ultrasound and nickel-titanium files, make possible a high-level of quality in treatment with excellent long-term treatment results. Regular updating of knowledge is indispensable for every practitioner. This book provides a fast and up-to-date orientation of the entire area of endodontology. 
Didactic concept: The classic Thieme Flexi format, with concise text on the left and excellent illustrations on the right hand page of more than 150 double page spreads. 
Oriented toward problem-solving: - What is to be done with ongoing pain? - How should one react in an emergency situation? What special considerations are there in children? - What should one do in the case of obliterated canals, perforations, and incomplete growth of roots? - When results are poor, how does one plan revision procedures? - Efficient treatment planning, newest methods
Table of contents : 
Cover Page......Page 1
Emergency Treatment......Page 9
Root Canal Instrumentation......Page 10
Filling the Root Canal......Page 11
Index......Page 12
Normal Endodontium......Page 14
Dental Caries......Page 16
Caries Detector......Page 18
Reversible Pulpitis......Page 20
Irreversible Pulpitis......Page 22
Bacterial Infection of the Pulpal Tissues......Page 24
Pulpal Necrosis......Page 26
Open Pulpitis......Page 28
Clinical Pulp Exposure......Page 30
Internal Mineralization......Page 32
Internal Resorption......Page 34
Acute Apical Periodontitis......Page 36
Chronic Apical Periodontitis......Page 38
Radicular Cyst......Page 40
Diagnosis......Page 42
Extraoral and Intraoral Examination......Page 44
Sensitivity (Vitality) Testing......Page 46
Endodontic Radiography......Page 48
What Can We Expect from Our Diagnosis?......Page 50
Pain Hypotheses......Page 52
Persistence of Pain: Proper Tooth?......Page 54
Persistence of Pain: Accessory Canal?......Page 56
Pain with Infraction......Page 58
Pain after Crown Fracture......Page 60
Pain with Root Fracture......Page 62
Direct Pulp Capping as Emergency Therapy......Page 64
Vital Amputation as Emergency Therapy......Page 66
Emergencies with Vital Pulp......Page 68
Emergency Treatment in the Deciduous Dentition......Page 70
Pulpectomy in the Deciduous Dentition......Page 72
Emergencies with Incomplete Root Formation......Page 74
Emergencies with Necrotic Pulp......Page 76
Postoperative Pain (“Flare Up”)......Page 78
Emergency with Acute Apical Periodontitis......Page 80
Drainage via the Apex......Page 82
Drainage Not Possible via the Apex......Page 84
Differential Diagnosis, Radicular Cyst......Page 86
Periodontal-Endodontic Relationships......Page 88
Treatment Planning......Page 90
Local Anesthesia......Page 92
Rubber Dam......Page 94
Rubber Dam Application......Page 96
Trepanation......Page 98
Anatomy of the Access Cavity......Page 100
Root Canal Anatomy......Page 102
Built-up Restorations......Page 104
Probing the Root Canal Orifices......Page 106
Problems during Probing of the Canal Orifices......Page 108
Staining the Cavity with Methylene Blue......Page 110
Chemical Aids: Chelators......Page 112
Optical Aids for Instrumentation......Page 114
Determining the Working Length......Page 116
Loss of Working Length......Page 118
Electronic Determination of Working Length......Page 120
Instruments......Page 122
Power-driven Instrumentation......Page 126
Cleaning and Shaping......Page 128
Instrumentation Using the Step-back Technique......Page 130
Instrumentation Using the Step-down Technique......Page 132
Instrumentation Using the Double-Flare Technique......Page 134
Instrumentation Using the Crown-Down Technique......Page 136
Problem-solving during Instrumentation......Page 138
Instrumentation of an Obliterated Root Canal......Page 140
Power-driven Root Canal Instrumentation......Page 142
Nickel-Titanium Instruments......Page 144
Lightspeed......Page 146
Quantec 2000......Page 148
ProFile......Page 150
NiTi-GT Rotary......Page 152
FlexMaster......Page 154
Kerr K3......Page 156
ProTaper......Page 158
Cleansing of the Root Canal Surfaces......Page 160
Motors for NiTi Instruments......Page 162
Infection of the Dentinal Tubuli......Page 164
Rinsing the Root Canal......Page 166
Rinsing with Ultrasonics......Page 168
Antibacterial Interim Dressings......Page 170
Calcium Hydroxide as Interim Dressing......Page 172
Depotphoresis......Page 174
Dressings for Acute Apical Periodontitis......Page 176
Interim Dressings for Chronic Apical Periodontitis......Page 178
Use of Calcium Hydroxide during Retreatment......Page 180
Calcium Hydroxide-Containing Gutta Percha Points......Page 182
One-Appointment or Two-Appointment Treatment?......Page 184
Temporary Closure......Page 186
Materials......Page 188
Lateral Condensation of Gutta Percha......Page 190
Lateral Condensation: Clinical Aspects......Page 192
Corrections during Lateral Condensation......Page 194
Thermafil......Page 196
Principles of Vertical Condensation......Page 198
Vertical Condensation: Clinical Aspects......Page 200
Indications......Page 202
Endodontic Failure Related to Restoration of the Tooth Crown......Page 204
Removal of Post Build-ups......Page 206
Removal of Gutta Percha Fillings......Page 208
Removal of Silver Points......Page 210
Removal of Broken Instruments......Page 212
Root Perforations......Page 214
Perforations in the Bifurcation......Page 216
Microsurgical Retreatment......Page 218
Flap Reflection and Apicoectomy......Page 220
Retrograde Filling......Page 222
Bleaching Discolored Tooth Crowns......Page 224
Postendodontic Care......Page 226
Cast Post System (“Post and Core”)......Page 228
Prefabricated Post Systems......Page 230
Restoration and Treatment Success......Page 232
Index......Page 235