Non-Prescription Medicines, Fourth Edition

This new edition has been revised and updated to reflect amendments in legal category status of several products from prescription-only (POM) to pharmacy sale (P) status.Over-the-counter (OTC) medicines currently available in the UK are reviewed in alphabetically arranged chapters on the conditions that they are licensed to treat. 44 common conditions are covered and new chapters on Chlamydia, Obesity and Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia have been added.Each chapter includes:an introduction to the conditiondetailed description of the available products, including mode of action, side-effects, cautions and contraindications, interactions and dosageproduct selection pointsproduct recommendations.Non-prescription Medicines is the only publication in the UK that deals with available OTC medicines comprehensively and in depth. This vital resource will enable pharmacists, GPs, nurses and other healthcare professionals to make well-informed recommendations and to give sound advice to their patients.

Table of contents : Non-prescription Medicines......Page 1
Updates......Page 3
Title Page......Page 4
Copyright......Page 5
Dedication......Page 6
Contents......Page 8
Preface......Page 10
About the author......Page 12
Causes......Page 14
Treatment......Page 15
References......Page 20
Treatment......Page 22
References......Page 26
Causes and symptoms......Page 28
Conditions for supply of tamsulosin without prescription......Page 29
Reference......Page 30
Simvastatin......Page 32
Aspirin (antiplatelet)......Page 35
Omega-3 triglycerides......Page 36
References......Page 37
Treatment......Page 38
Reference......Page 40
Causes......Page 42
Treatment......Page 43
Product selection points......Page 47
References......Page 48
Causes......Page 50
Treatment......Page 51
References......Page 54
Treatment......Page 56
Product recommendations......Page 66
References......Page 67
Treatment......Page 68
Product recommendations......Page 71
10 - Cough......Page 72
Treatment of dry, irritating coughs - suppressants (antitussives)......Page 73
Treatment of chesty, productive coughs - expectorants......Page 76
Treatment of chesty, non-productive coughs - decongestants......Page 77
Treatment with combination remedies......Page 80
Product selection points......Page 81
References......Page 82
Treatment......Page 84
Reference......Page 85
Treatment......Page 86
Reference......Page 88
Causes......Page 90
Treatment......Page 91
Product recommendations......Page 95
References......Page 96
Causes......Page 98
Treatment......Page 99
Product selection points......Page 104
References......Page 105
Treatment......Page 108
Product selection points......Page 112
References......Page 113
Causes......Page 114
Treatment......Page 115
References......Page 118
Treatment with levonorgestrel......Page 120
References......Page 124
Bacterial conjunctivitis and styes......Page 126
Sore and 'tired' eyes......Page 129
Dry eyes......Page 130
Administration of eye drops and ointment......Page 133
Product recommendations......Page 134
References......Page 135
Treatment......Page 136
Reference......Page 137
Causes......Page 138
Treatment......Page 139
Reference......Page 144
Causes......Page 146
Treatment - oral formulations......Page 147
Treatment - nasal preparations......Page 151
Treatment - eye preparations......Page 153
Product selection points......Page 154
Product recommendations......Page 155
References......Page 156
Treatment......Page 158
Product selection points......Page 162
References......Page 163
Treatment - antacids......Page 164
Treatment - H2 antagonists......Page 175
Treatment - omeprazole......Page 177
Treatment - domperidone......Page 178
Product selection points......Page 179
Product recommendations......Page 180
References......Page 181
Nature of bites and stings......Page 182
Treatment......Page 183
Product recommendations......Page 186
References......Page 187
Treatment......Page 188
References......Page 191
Causes......Page 194
Treatment......Page 195
References......Page 198
Treatment......Page 200
Product selection points......Page 204
References......Page 205
Causes......Page 206
Treatment......Page 207
Product selection points......Page 210
References......Page 211
Causes......Page 212
Treatment......Page 213
References......Page 216
Treatment......Page 218
References......Page 220
Treatment......Page 222
References......Page 224
Treatment......Page 226
Reference......Page 227
Treatment with oral analgesics......Page 228
Product selection points for oral analgesics......Page 238
Treatment with topical analgesics......Page 239
References......Page 244
Treatment......Page 248
References......Page 250
Treatment......Page 252
References......Page 255
Causes......Page 256
Treatment......Page 257
Product selection points......Page 259
References......Page 260
Adverse effects of tobacco smoke......Page 262
Treatment - nicotine replacement therapy......Page 264
Product selection points......Page 272
References......Page 273
Treatment - pastilles and lozenges......Page 274
Treatment - gargles......Page 276
References......Page 277
Treatment - antihistamines......Page 278
Treatment - herbal sleep aid products......Page 280
Practical advice......Page 281
Product selection points......Page 282
References......Page 283
Causes......Page 284
Treatment......Page 285
Product selection points......Page 288
References......Page 289
Treatment......Page 290
References......Page 294
Treatment......Page 296
References......Page 297
Treatment......Page 298
Product selection points......Page 301
References......Page 302
Treatment......Page 304
Reference......Page 305
Index......Page 306